May 16, 2011

Quran, the Best Answer.

Throughout the history of mankind and its existence, it has been observed and can be duly said that the man has always strived strikingly quite hard to achieve one thing in life; that is peace of mind. Whatever channels or route he might have chosen, being it economical success, or that of intellectual thinking, eventual result is just to achieve peace of mind. The simplest answer to this predicament is Qur’an. It is through the recital of Quran one can feel at peace, relieved, and calm.
Quran is the book whose understanding and implication can bring harmony in one’s life. Quran being the word of The Creator; is perfect. Allah used Quran as a medium for the communication of principles and guidelines. Acting upon these principles and guidelines leads to a successful worldly life as well as a successful hereafter.
But in today’s world many Muslims have fallen prey to mental illnesses like depression and have developed emotional distress. This can un-arguably be said that, a lack of understanding and implication of Islamic way of life can lead to such illnesses to be given root to. But also, sometimes difficult conditions and circumstances are faced at work and home etc, which can be distressful at times and can lead to mild depression. This type of depression can easily be tackled by the recital of Quran, and answers to these problems faced at home and work, can be found out by studying the Quran with Tafseer.
While on the other hand, in extreme cases, which can be due to the result of hormonal deficiency, the victims are exceedingly distressed, and need a professional clinical psychologist to help them. Proper medication is required to treat such patients. These individuals are so depressed and distressed that they find it hard to maintain social relations. These cases can also be dealt with the proper recital of the Quran as well. Special dua can be read for the purpose of treatment.
It is narrated in the Quran that the purpose of oneself is to help others. This is by far the greatest purpose that one can have. Also it is one of the noblest of all task assigned to men. People with these illnesses should be the ones who are the most worthy of our attention. They cannot go to professional psychologists who are non-believers or adamant, as they would judge them by their religion not by the problem they face. Women are more susceptible to such actions, as the western media has projected that the Muslim women are oppressed, and not given their due right, which is surely not the case. So it would be our duty to counsel these victims of depression, to as much extent as we can, and help them live a happy, purposeful, and fruitful life.
For those who are upset, recital of Quran is the best option. Also one can talk out their problems and worries with their loved ones, elders, and/or Imam of their local mosque.

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