Although Muhammad(saw) had already delivered Qur'anic verses commanding the Hajj,[146] the Muslims had not performed it due to the enmity of the Quraysh. In the month of Shawwal 628, Muhammad ordered his followers to obtain sacrificial animals and to make preparations for a pilgrimage (umrah) to Mecca, saying that Allah had promised him the fulfillment of this goal in a vision where he was shaving his head after the completion of the Hajj.[147] Upon hearing of the approaching 1,400 Muslims, the Quraysh sent out a force of 200 cavalry to halt them. Muhammad(saw) evaded them by taking a more difficult route, thereby reaching al-Hudaybiyya, just outside of Mecca.[148] According to Watt, although Muhammad(saw)'s decision to make the pilgrimage was based on his dream, he was at the same time demonstrating to the pagan Meccans that Islam does not threaten the prestige of their sanctuary, and that Islam was an Arabian religion.[148]
Imprint of Muhammad(saw)'s seal, used in letters sent to other heads of state. (Graphically enhanced.)
Many Muslims were not satisfied with the terms of the treaty. However, the Qur'anic sura "Al-Fath" (The Victory) (Qur'an 48:1–29) assured the Muslims that the expedition from which they were now returning must be considered a victorious one.[150] It was only later that Muhammad's followers would realise the benefit behind this treaty. According to Welch, these benefits included the inducing of the Meccans to recognise Muhammad(saw) as an equal; a cessation of military activity posing well for the future; and gaining the admiration of Meccans who were impressed by the incorporation of the pilgrimage rituals.[10]
After signing the truce, Muhammad(saw) made an expedition against the Jewish oasis of Khaybar, known as the Battle of Khaybar. This was possibly due to it housing the Banu Nadir, who were inciting hostilities against Muhammad(saw), or to regain some prestige to deflect from what appeared to some Muslims as the inconclusive result of the truce of Hudaybiyya.[124][151] According to Muslim tradition, Muhammad(saw) also sent letters to many rulers of the world, asking them to convert to Islam (the exact date is given variously in the sources).[10][152][153] Hence he sent messengers (with letters) to Heraclius of the Byzantine Empire (the eastern Roman Empire), Khosrau of Persia, the chief of Yemen and to some others.[152][153] In the years following the truce of Hudaybiyya, Muhammad(saw) sent his forces against the Arabs on Transjordanian Byzantine soil in the Battle of Mu'tah, in which the Muslims were defeated.[154]
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