And according to the Scholars; Using specified soil or earth on specified limbs by a specific person in a specified time..
Evidently this is proven through the Quran & Sunnah & the consensus of amongst all Scholars-
Allah The All-Mighty said, 'But if you are ill or on a journey or any of you comes from answering the call of nature, or you have been in contact with women (i.e. sexual intercourse) and if you find no water, then perform Tayammum with Saaed itayib (clean earth) and rub therewith your faces and hands.' (5/6)
In Addition, Jabir bin 'Abdullah narrates, The Prophet (pbuh) said, "I have been given five things which were not given to anyone else before me. Allah made me victorious by awe (of frightening my enemies) for a distance of one month's journey. The earth has been made for me (and my followers) a place for praying and purification (performing Tayammum). Therefore, anyone (of my followers) should pray wherever the time of Salat (prayer) becomes due."
In the version of Muslim narrated by Hudhaifa: "The soil of the earth has been made for us as a means of purification when we do not find water."
In the version of Ahmad narrated by 'Ali, "The soil has been made for us a means of cleansing."
The essence of Tayammum;
It takes the place of water when there is none available, and this for purifying oneself from Major Impurities that require Ghusal (Pre-ejaculation of sperm, Menses,etc) and from minor imputes, and this is the nullifiers of Wuduo. Also it can be used in place of sickness or illness as it will be explain further more to come...
The Conditions of Tayammum;
1-The inability to use water; and this is divided into two categories-
a-The unavailability of water
b- Fear of using water due to possibilities of harming one's self
a-The unavailability of water;
Allah said, 'and if you find no water, then perform Tayammum with Saaed itayib (clean earth) ' (5/6)
And the Prophet (pbuh) said, 'Verily the Saaed At-Tayib (Tayammum) is the Wuduo of a Muslim, even if he doe not find water for ten years; but when he finds water he should guard against disobeying Allah and let it touch his skin' (Tirmadhi)
Situations for the unavailability of water;
Danger lurking between one and the water e.g., a beast or human and having no other sources to attain water from. Such examples as an enemy or authority official might cut off water supplies for the country or city you’re in, or the water supply such as a well or a stream or anything that relates to a source where one receives the supple of water from is cut off or blocked (taking in consideration that there is no way of getting in contact of any water in your surroundings)
Also one might fear for their valuables or property getting stolen or damaged (Might not have water available at these times & places or cannot reach the place where they have their water supplies stored) or a prisoner under harsh conditions.
Or one might be travelling and finds know water and fears that the time of their Prayer might alps (the prescribed time frame between each prayer) or even if one is not a traveller and fears that the prayer time will alps, and will not be able to use or reach water until the next prayer or even longer then it is also permissible to result to Tayammum.
b-Fear of using water due to possibilities of harming one's self
Cuts or gashes that medically require not to be wet, so one can Tayammum in replace of limb that can not be washed in Wuduo or Ghusal.
Or very severe weather conditions, Narrated by Umaru Ibnul-Aa's aid, 'I become Junab-(pre-ejaculated with sperm) on a cold night will we were at war, and I feared if I would suffer. So I made Tayammum and Prayed amongst my friends', then the Prophet (pbuh) reminded me, 'O'Umar you Prayed amongst your friends and you were Junab' So I informed him what stopped me from bathing, and I said, "I have heard the statement Allah has Said, 'And don't kill yourselves, Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful' " Then the Prophet laughed and never said anything.' (Abu Dawaud)
Or the water is very cold and one fears of being sick if they use it, and this only applies if they are in a place where there are no facilities to warm that water up (such as on a gas stove or over some sort of fire or heat) & if these facilities are available then one must take this option by heating it up then using it, & Allah knows best...
When one is in a state of Janabah (sexual impurity) and fears that one will die from cold or become ill if Ghusl is made with water (provided that one has no means to heat the water or use public bathrooms). Tayammum is a substitute for Wuduo or Ghusl, and these are the opinions of Ibn Taymiyah, Ahmad, & Abu Haniffa Rahimahum Allah.
Or one is sick fear of getting sick, or any sickness in genral that requires one to not apply water to their bodies. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said in Sharh al-‘Umdah (1/425): If a sick person who is unable to use water does Tayammum, then it becomes easier for him to use water after he has finished his prayer, he does not have to repeat it, because he has done what is required of him and what he is commanded to do.
When the quantity of water is only sufficient to meet the basic necessities e.g. drinking, cooking, or water for the animal, the fear of one becoming thirsty, it may be that one is travelling and they have only a certain amount of water with to drink and if they used it they might die of thirst. Then in this case it is permissible to resolve to Tayammum in fear of one’s life. Baring in mind that this only is required to those that have no other access to any sort of water, If one can buy water or get it from another source then this does not apply to them..
2-Pure soil has dust; as it is a condition for water to be pure it is the same as for Tayammum that it must be pure soil with dust. It is still permissible for one to use other then soil that has no dust, Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen said, 'The revised opinion is it is not a required condition for one to perform Tayammum using soil that has dust. Verily if one was to perform Tayammum by using the ground (its permissible) wether it has dust on it or not. For example if it was to rain and the rain water covers the ground, a person then strikes the ground and then wipes his face and hands, and in this case there is no dust on the ground, as Allah said, ' perform Tayammum with Saaed itayib (clean earth) and rub therewith your faces and hands ' and furthermore the Prophet (pbuh) and his companions use to travel to places where there was nothing but soil, and it would rain in those areas, thus they would perform Tayammum in these condition as Allah commanded them..
So the revised opinion is that if a person performs Tayammum on the ground that has dust or no dust. (end of quote for the Sheikh Rahimullah)
And this is one of amongst the opinions of Ahmad & Abu Haniffa Rahima-humu Allah, and Allah knows best...
Evidently the Hadith of the Prophet also proves that Tayammum is permissible through other means then soil, The Prophet came from the direction of Bir Jamal. A man met him and greeted him. But he did not return back the greeting till he went to a (mud) wall and smeared his hands and his face with its dust (performed Tayammum) and then returned back the greeting. (Bukhari)
3-Intention; Intention doesn’t need to be uttered verbally or loudly, it is an action of the heart. It is the condition in order to make most Islamic actions correct. The Prophet (pbuh) said: Deeds are (a result) only of the intentions (of the actor), and an individual is (rewarded) only according to that which he intends. (Bukhari & Muslim)
Arkan-The Essential elements of Tayammum;
1-The first strike to the ground; The Prophet (pbuh) said, ' It was enough for you to strike the ground with your hands and then blow (the dust) and then wipe your face and palms' (Bukhari & Muslim) as the Hadith states that he (pbuh) striked the ground once, and this is what is compulsory any extra strikes are considered Sunnah.
2-Wipping the entire Face once, as stated in the verse for Wuduo, Allah begin the verse in commanding to wash the face as He said, 'O you who have believe, when you rise to [perform] prayer, wash your faces' Then further on in the verse He mentions Tayammum by commencing with the face, ' then seek clean earth and wipe over your faces and hands with it.' (5/6)
3-Wippining both the back of hands; The Prophet stroked the earth with his hands and then passed them over his face and the backs of his hands (while demonstrating Tayammum). (Bukhari)
The Nullifiers of Tayammum;
1-The Nullifiers of Wuduo; whatsoever nullifies one's Wuduo nullifies one's Tayammum.
2-The availability of water; Once one has water available it is no longer permissible for one to perform Tayammum and there for nullifies it.
3-The Cure of one's Sickness; If one has a certain illness that requires them to performs Tayammum, Thus later heals for it, it is no longer valid for them to continue performing Tayammum. Thus therefore nullifies it.
Sunnah (recommendable) acts of Tayammum;
1-Saying Bismillah before commencing Tayammum;
2-Doing it in sequence, as motioned in the verse the sequence that Allah has prescribed from the face to the hands. The Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘Begin with what Allah had begun with' (Nisaai) but the reason to sequence being a Sunnah act of Tayammum not a compulsory act is due to the Hadith of Abu Musa who said to Abdullah: You have not heard the words of 'Ammar: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) sent me on an errand and I had a seminal emission, but could find no water, and rolled myself in dust just as a beast rolls itself. I came to the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) then and made a mention of that to him and he (the Holy Prophet) said: It would have been enough for you to do this. Then he struck the ground with his hands once and wiped his right hand with the help of his left hand and the exterior of his palms and his face. (Muslim)
3-Doing in succession; meaning not to leave long periods of time between limbs when performing Tayammum..
4-Saying the Du'a after finishing completing ones Tayammum; The same Du'a that one say's upon completing Wuduo, The Prophet (pbuh) said: 'There is no one amongst you who does Wuduo' and does it properly and does it well THEN he says, ash-hadu an laa ilaha illa Allah, wahdahu, laa shareeka lah, wa ash-hadu anna muhammadan a'abduhu warasooluhu, Except the gates of Paradise will be opened to him and he may enter through whichever of them he wishes." (Muslim)
The Manner of Performing Tayammum;
Fist one must make intention (in the heart), then say Bismillah, Then strikes the ground once with both hands, Then wipes on the face by passing it over the face, Then wipe hands form the top right with the palm of the left, & the top of the left over with the palm of the right, then say the Du'a as mentioned above..
How one should perform Tayammum if they have a broken bone or cut or gash;
If one has a cut or broken bone or gash or anything that is similar in its attributes & cannot wash it due to medical reasons or fear of increasing their illness, then they should wash the rest of their body that is able to be washed and to perform Tayammum in place of that part that has been injured...
And if one has no presence of water or anything that they can use to perform Tayammum with then they pray in the state they are in, and there is no need on compensating for that prayer, for verily it is excepted insha-Allah, And Allah knows best.....
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