The Dajjaal Will Enter Neither Makkah Nor Al-Madeenah
It is established in As-sahih, as we have already mentioned, that Ad-Dajjaal cannot enter Makkah or Al-Madeenah. There are angels at the mountain-passes of Al-Madeenah, protecting it, so that the Dajjaal does not enter it. Abu Hurayrah 4 related that the Messenger of Allah said, "Neither Al-Maseeh Ad-Dajjaal nor plague will enter Al-Madeenah." (Bukhaaree) And we also mentioned that the Dajjaal will make camp just outside of Al-Madeenah. It will shake its inhabitants with three quakes, and every male and female hypocrite as well as every male and female wicked-doer will go out to him. Those who remain firm inside of its borders will be every male and female believer (Mo'min) as well as every male and female Muslim. That day is called the Day of Deliverance. Al-Madeenah is as the Prophet * described it: "It is pure and good, expelling its filth and Yansa'u (purifying and making sincere) its good (elements)." Allah It says: "Bad statements are for bad people (or bad women for bad men) and bad people for bad statements (or bad men for bad women). Good statements are for good people (or good women for good men) and good people for good statements (or good men for good women), such (good people) are innocent" 24:26. The point is that Al-Madeenah will be inhabited during the days of the Dajjaal, and then it will be inhabited during the period of Al-Maseeh 'Eesa ibn Maryam, the Messenger of Allah O. 'Eesa will die there and will be buried there. Then people will leave it, as we have already pointed out. 'Umar ibn Al-Khattaab 4 related that he heard the Prophet *; say, "A rider will pass by the sides of Al-Madeenah, and then he will indeed say, 'There used to be many Muslims present here."' (Ahmad)
The Beast Will Come Out And Speak To The People
Allah said: "And when the Word (of torment) is fulfilled against them, We shall bring out from the earth a beast to them, which will speak to them because mankind believed not with certainty in Our Ayat (Verses of the Qur'an and sayings of Prophet Muhammad ed." 27:82 When we discussed the Tafsir of this verse, we explained it and mentioned those Ahaadeeth that pertain to it. Ibn 'Abbaas 4, Al-Hasan, and Al-Qataadah said, " 'Speak to them' means address them verbally."' Ibn Jareer holds that the beast will speak to them, saying, "Because mankind believed not with certainty in Our Ayaat (Verses of the Qur'an and sayings of Prophet Muhammad 0)." Ibn Jareer related this view from 'Ataa and 'Ali JAti, but this is not certain, and requires further study. It is also related from Ibn 'Abbaas 4 that "speak to them' means, write Al-kafir (disbeliever) on the forehead of a kafir, and Mo'min (believer) on the forehead of a believer. It is also related from Ibn 'Abbaas 4, that "speak to them" means both addressing them verbally and writing on their foreheads. This last saying is in harmony with both views; it is strong, good, and it combines both views in a suitable manner. And Allah itt. knows best.
Ten Signs Before The Hour
We have already mentioned the following Hadith, which is related in Ahmad, Muslim, and the Compilers of the sunnan, and it is related by Abu Shuraihah Hudhaifah ibn Usais: Hudhafah ibn Asad 4; in it, the Messenger of Allah ;,*, said, "Indeed the Hour will not come until you see ten signs: The rising of the sun from the West, the smoke (will fill all that is between the East and the West for 40 days), the beast, the coming out of Yajooj and Majooj (Gog and Magog), the coming out of 'Eesa and the Dajjaal, three Khusoof(plural of Khasf, the swallowing of the earth and all that is on it) — the Khasf of the West, the Khasf of the East, and the Khasf of the Arabian Peninsula — and the last of them is a fire that will emerge from the East and that will steer the people — or gather the people; it will spend the night with them wherever it is they spend the night and it will spend the day with them wherever it is they take their day nap." Abu Hurayrah 4 related that the Prophet * said, "Hasten to do (good) deeds before the Dajjaal, the smoke, the beast of the earth, the affair of the 'Aamah (i.e. the Day of Resurrection), and the death of one of you." (Muslim) Anas 4,, related that the Messenger of Allah j* said, "Hasten to (perform good) deeds before six (matters occur): the sun rising from the West; the smoke; the beast of the earth; the Dajjaal; the death of one of you; and the affair of the 'Aamah (i.e., the Day of Resurrection)." (Ibn Maajah) 'Abdullah Ibn 'Ubaid related from a man who belongs to the family of 'Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood 4; in that narration, the Messenger of Allah*, mentioned the beast, saying, "In time, it comes out three times. It comes out from the farthest part of the desert, and its mention does not enter the Qaryah - i.e. Makkah. Then it will hide for a long time, after which it will come out another time, to a lesser degree, though, than the previous outing. It will be highly mentioned among the inhabitants of the desert, and its mention will enter the Qaryah — i.e. Makkah." (Related by Abu Daawood At-Tiyaalisee) The Messenger of Allah * said, "While people will be in the greatest Masjid for Allah in terms of its inviolability and in terms of its being the most honorable — Al-Masjid Al-Haraam —they will not be frightened except that it (the beast) will make a loud noise between Ar-Rukn (i.e. the black Stone) and the Maqaam (the Station of Ibraaheern). It will shake the dirt out of its head. People will disperse from it separately and in groups. The group of the believers will remain... It will begin with them, polishing their faces, until it makes them like glistening stars. It will direct itself to the earth: no seeker will catch it and no escaper will be saved from it. A man will seek refuge (in Allah), and it will come to him from behind and say, '0 so-and-so: now you pray?' It will advance and stamp him on his face. It will go, and people will participate with one another in the wealth and they will accompany one another in cities. The believer will be known from the disbeliever (because their faces will be stamped), to the degree that a believer will say, '0 disbeliever, pay me what is due to me,' and the disbeliever will say, '0 believer, pay me what is due to me."' (Related by Abu Daawood At-Tiyaalisee) It has some Gharaabah to it. ibn Jareer related it from Al-Yamaan, and in his narration, it is mentioned that this will occur during the era of 'Eesa ibn Maryam a when he will be making circuits around the Ka'bah. However the chain of that narration is dubious. And Allah ex knows best. 'Abdullah ibn Buraidah 4 said, "The Messenger of Allah * took me to a place in the desert, near to Makkah. It was a dry land, and around it was sand. The Messenger of Allah 7A- said, 'The Beast will come out from this place...' Ibn 'Abbaas 4 said, "It is a beast with short, soft hair; it has four legs and will come out from some of the valleys of Tuhaamah." (Related by 'Abdur-Razzaaq Al-Mu'ammir) 'Atiyyah related that 'Abdullah said, "The Beast will come out from the side of As-Safaa, coming out like the running of a horse — three days and two-thirds of it will not have come out." 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr 4 said, "The Beast will come out from underneath a rock. It will face the East, and give out a shriek that will pierce through it. Then it will face the West, and give out a shriek that will pierce through it. Next, it will face Yemen and give out a shriek that will pierce through it. Then it will go from Makkah until it reaches 'Afsaan." It was said to him, "And then what?" He 4 said, "I do not know." It is also related from him that he said, "The Beast will come out from underneath As-Sudoom (Sodom) — i.e. the city of Loot's people." All of these sayings are in conflict with one another, and Allah 230 knows best. It is related from Abu Tufail that he said, "The Beast will come out from As-Safaa or Al-IVIarwaa." (Related by Al-Baihaqee)
Abu Maryam related that he heard Abu Hurairha 4 say, "Indeed the Beast has in it every color; between its two horns is the distance of a league for a rider." And it is related from the Leader of the Believers, 'Ali ibn Abi Taalib 4, that he 4 said, "Indeed it is a beast that has a head. It has short, soft hair as well as hoofs. It also has a tail and a beard. It will come out with the speed of a racing horse for three (days perhaps?) and not even two-thirds of it will have come out." (Related by Ibn Abi Haatim) Ibn Juraij related that Abu Az-Zubair described the Beast, saying, "Its head is that of an ox; its eye is that of a pig; its ear is like the ear of an elephant; its horn is like the horn of an ibex; its neck is like the neck of an ostrich; its chest is like the chest of a lion; its color is like the color of a leopard; its waist is like the waist of a cat; its tail is like the tail of a ram; and its legs are like the legs of a camel. Between each of its joints is the distance of 12 arm-spans. It will come out, and with it, it will have the rod of Moosa and the stamp of Sulaimaan. With the rod of Moosa it will write a white spot on the face of every Muslim; that spot will spread until the entire face becomes white. And with the stamp of Sulaimaan it will write a black spot on the face of every disbeliever; that spot will spread until the entire face becomes black. People will be trading in the marketplaces, and some will say, 'How much is this, 0 believer? How much is this, 0 disbeliever?' So (clear will the distinction be between a disbeliever and a believer) that the people of a single house will sit at their table, and they will know which of them is a believer and which of them is a disbeliever. Then the Beast will say to them, "0 so-and-so, rejoice, for you are from the inhabitants of Paradise! 0 so-and-so, you are from the inhabitants of the Fire!' And that is the saying of Allah "And when the Word (of torment) is fulfilled against them, We shall bring out from the earth a beast to them, which will speak to them because mankind believed not with certainty in Our Ayat (Verses of the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad)." 27:82 We have hitherto mentioned a narration from Ibn Mas'ood, in which it is mentioned that the Beast is from the progeny of Iblis (the Satan), the accursed. Abu Na'eem related that narration from Hammaad in his book, Al-Fitan Wal-Malaahim. And Allah knows best whether it is authentic. 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr 4 said, "I memorized a Hadith from the Messenger of Allah which I have not forgotten as of yet: I heard the Messenger of Allah say, 'The first of the Signs to come out is the rising of the sun from its West and the coming out of the Beast to the people in the morning. Whichever of the two comes before the other, then the other will follow it shortly." (Muslim) "The first of the Signs" means the first of the signs that is truly extraordinary, even though the coming out of the Dajjaal and the descending of 'Eesa .84,4 will occur before that, for these latter matters are not as extraordinary: 'Eesa VI and the Dajjaal have appearances that are like others of their kind (human beings). But the Beast will come out in a truly strange physical form, one that is out of the ordinary; furthermore, it will speak to people and brand them with Eemaan (faith) or Kufr (disbelief). These are matters that are truly outside the realm of the ordinary. This is the first of the (extraordinary) signs of the earth, just as the rising of the sun from the west — opposite of what is known from it — is the first of the (extraordinary) signs of the sky.
It is established in As-sahih, as we have already mentioned, that Ad-Dajjaal cannot enter Makkah or Al-Madeenah. There are angels at the mountain-passes of Al-Madeenah, protecting it, so that the Dajjaal does not enter it. Abu Hurayrah 4 related that the Messenger of Allah said, "Neither Al-Maseeh Ad-Dajjaal nor plague will enter Al-Madeenah." (Bukhaaree) And we also mentioned that the Dajjaal will make camp just outside of Al-Madeenah. It will shake its inhabitants with three quakes, and every male and female hypocrite as well as every male and female wicked-doer will go out to him. Those who remain firm inside of its borders will be every male and female believer (Mo'min) as well as every male and female Muslim. That day is called the Day of Deliverance. Al-Madeenah is as the Prophet * described it: "It is pure and good, expelling its filth and Yansa'u (purifying and making sincere) its good (elements)." Allah It says: "Bad statements are for bad people (or bad women for bad men) and bad people for bad statements (or bad men for bad women). Good statements are for good people (or good women for good men) and good people for good statements (or good men for good women), such (good people) are innocent" 24:26. The point is that Al-Madeenah will be inhabited during the days of the Dajjaal, and then it will be inhabited during the period of Al-Maseeh 'Eesa ibn Maryam, the Messenger of Allah O. 'Eesa will die there and will be buried there. Then people will leave it, as we have already pointed out. 'Umar ibn Al-Khattaab 4 related that he heard the Prophet *; say, "A rider will pass by the sides of Al-Madeenah, and then he will indeed say, 'There used to be many Muslims present here."' (Ahmad)
The Beast Will Come Out And Speak To The People
Allah said: "And when the Word (of torment) is fulfilled against them, We shall bring out from the earth a beast to them, which will speak to them because mankind believed not with certainty in Our Ayat (Verses of the Qur'an and sayings of Prophet Muhammad ed." 27:82 When we discussed the Tafsir of this verse, we explained it and mentioned those Ahaadeeth that pertain to it. Ibn 'Abbaas 4, Al-Hasan, and Al-Qataadah said, " 'Speak to them' means address them verbally."' Ibn Jareer holds that the beast will speak to them, saying, "Because mankind believed not with certainty in Our Ayaat (Verses of the Qur'an and sayings of Prophet Muhammad 0)." Ibn Jareer related this view from 'Ataa and 'Ali JAti, but this is not certain, and requires further study. It is also related from Ibn 'Abbaas 4 that "speak to them' means, write Al-kafir (disbeliever) on the forehead of a kafir, and Mo'min (believer) on the forehead of a believer. It is also related from Ibn 'Abbaas 4, that "speak to them" means both addressing them verbally and writing on their foreheads. This last saying is in harmony with both views; it is strong, good, and it combines both views in a suitable manner. And Allah itt. knows best.
Ten Signs Before The Hour
We have already mentioned the following Hadith, which is related in Ahmad, Muslim, and the Compilers of the sunnan, and it is related by Abu Shuraihah Hudhaifah ibn Usais: Hudhafah ibn Asad 4; in it, the Messenger of Allah ;,*, said, "Indeed the Hour will not come until you see ten signs: The rising of the sun from the West, the smoke (will fill all that is between the East and the West for 40 days), the beast, the coming out of Yajooj and Majooj (Gog and Magog), the coming out of 'Eesa and the Dajjaal, three Khusoof(plural of Khasf, the swallowing of the earth and all that is on it) — the Khasf of the West, the Khasf of the East, and the Khasf of the Arabian Peninsula — and the last of them is a fire that will emerge from the East and that will steer the people — or gather the people; it will spend the night with them wherever it is they spend the night and it will spend the day with them wherever it is they take their day nap." Abu Hurayrah 4 related that the Prophet * said, "Hasten to do (good) deeds before the Dajjaal, the smoke, the beast of the earth, the affair of the 'Aamah (i.e. the Day of Resurrection), and the death of one of you." (Muslim) Anas 4,, related that the Messenger of Allah j* said, "Hasten to (perform good) deeds before six (matters occur): the sun rising from the West; the smoke; the beast of the earth; the Dajjaal; the death of one of you; and the affair of the 'Aamah (i.e., the Day of Resurrection)." (Ibn Maajah) 'Abdullah Ibn 'Ubaid related from a man who belongs to the family of 'Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood 4; in that narration, the Messenger of Allah*, mentioned the beast, saying, "In time, it comes out three times. It comes out from the farthest part of the desert, and its mention does not enter the Qaryah - i.e. Makkah. Then it will hide for a long time, after which it will come out another time, to a lesser degree, though, than the previous outing. It will be highly mentioned among the inhabitants of the desert, and its mention will enter the Qaryah — i.e. Makkah." (Related by Abu Daawood At-Tiyaalisee) The Messenger of Allah * said, "While people will be in the greatest Masjid for Allah in terms of its inviolability and in terms of its being the most honorable — Al-Masjid Al-Haraam —they will not be frightened except that it (the beast) will make a loud noise between Ar-Rukn (i.e. the black Stone) and the Maqaam (the Station of Ibraaheern). It will shake the dirt out of its head. People will disperse from it separately and in groups. The group of the believers will remain... It will begin with them, polishing their faces, until it makes them like glistening stars. It will direct itself to the earth: no seeker will catch it and no escaper will be saved from it. A man will seek refuge (in Allah), and it will come to him from behind and say, '0 so-and-so: now you pray?' It will advance and stamp him on his face. It will go, and people will participate with one another in the wealth and they will accompany one another in cities. The believer will be known from the disbeliever (because their faces will be stamped), to the degree that a believer will say, '0 disbeliever, pay me what is due to me,' and the disbeliever will say, '0 believer, pay me what is due to me."' (Related by Abu Daawood At-Tiyaalisee) It has some Gharaabah to it. ibn Jareer related it from Al-Yamaan, and in his narration, it is mentioned that this will occur during the era of 'Eesa ibn Maryam a when he will be making circuits around the Ka'bah. However the chain of that narration is dubious. And Allah ex knows best. 'Abdullah ibn Buraidah 4 said, "The Messenger of Allah * took me to a place in the desert, near to Makkah. It was a dry land, and around it was sand. The Messenger of Allah 7A- said, 'The Beast will come out from this place...' Ibn 'Abbaas 4 said, "It is a beast with short, soft hair; it has four legs and will come out from some of the valleys of Tuhaamah." (Related by 'Abdur-Razzaaq Al-Mu'ammir) 'Atiyyah related that 'Abdullah said, "The Beast will come out from the side of As-Safaa, coming out like the running of a horse — three days and two-thirds of it will not have come out." 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr 4 said, "The Beast will come out from underneath a rock. It will face the East, and give out a shriek that will pierce through it. Then it will face the West, and give out a shriek that will pierce through it. Next, it will face Yemen and give out a shriek that will pierce through it. Then it will go from Makkah until it reaches 'Afsaan." It was said to him, "And then what?" He 4 said, "I do not know." It is also related from him that he said, "The Beast will come out from underneath As-Sudoom (Sodom) — i.e. the city of Loot's people." All of these sayings are in conflict with one another, and Allah 230 knows best. It is related from Abu Tufail that he said, "The Beast will come out from As-Safaa or Al-IVIarwaa." (Related by Al-Baihaqee)
Abu Maryam related that he heard Abu Hurairha 4 say, "Indeed the Beast has in it every color; between its two horns is the distance of a league for a rider." And it is related from the Leader of the Believers, 'Ali ibn Abi Taalib 4, that he 4 said, "Indeed it is a beast that has a head. It has short, soft hair as well as hoofs. It also has a tail and a beard. It will come out with the speed of a racing horse for three (days perhaps?) and not even two-thirds of it will have come out." (Related by Ibn Abi Haatim) Ibn Juraij related that Abu Az-Zubair described the Beast, saying, "Its head is that of an ox; its eye is that of a pig; its ear is like the ear of an elephant; its horn is like the horn of an ibex; its neck is like the neck of an ostrich; its chest is like the chest of a lion; its color is like the color of a leopard; its waist is like the waist of a cat; its tail is like the tail of a ram; and its legs are like the legs of a camel. Between each of its joints is the distance of 12 arm-spans. It will come out, and with it, it will have the rod of Moosa and the stamp of Sulaimaan. With the rod of Moosa it will write a white spot on the face of every Muslim; that spot will spread until the entire face becomes white. And with the stamp of Sulaimaan it will write a black spot on the face of every disbeliever; that spot will spread until the entire face becomes black. People will be trading in the marketplaces, and some will say, 'How much is this, 0 believer? How much is this, 0 disbeliever?' So (clear will the distinction be between a disbeliever and a believer) that the people of a single house will sit at their table, and they will know which of them is a believer and which of them is a disbeliever. Then the Beast will say to them, "0 so-and-so, rejoice, for you are from the inhabitants of Paradise! 0 so-and-so, you are from the inhabitants of the Fire!' And that is the saying of Allah "And when the Word (of torment) is fulfilled against them, We shall bring out from the earth a beast to them, which will speak to them because mankind believed not with certainty in Our Ayat (Verses of the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad)." 27:82 We have hitherto mentioned a narration from Ibn Mas'ood, in which it is mentioned that the Beast is from the progeny of Iblis (the Satan), the accursed. Abu Na'eem related that narration from Hammaad in his book, Al-Fitan Wal-Malaahim. And Allah knows best whether it is authentic. 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr 4 said, "I memorized a Hadith from the Messenger of Allah which I have not forgotten as of yet: I heard the Messenger of Allah say, 'The first of the Signs to come out is the rising of the sun from its West and the coming out of the Beast to the people in the morning. Whichever of the two comes before the other, then the other will follow it shortly." (Muslim) "The first of the Signs" means the first of the signs that is truly extraordinary, even though the coming out of the Dajjaal and the descending of 'Eesa .84,4 will occur before that, for these latter matters are not as extraordinary: 'Eesa VI and the Dajjaal have appearances that are like others of their kind (human beings). But the Beast will come out in a truly strange physical form, one that is out of the ordinary; furthermore, it will speak to people and brand them with Eemaan (faith) or Kufr (disbelief). These are matters that are truly outside the realm of the ordinary. This is the first of the (extraordinary) signs of the earth, just as the rising of the sun from the west — opposite of what is known from it — is the first of the (extraordinary) signs of the sky.
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