Oh, Allah, we know nothing but what You teach us. You are the All- Knower, the Wise. Oh Allah, teach us what is good for us, and benefit us from what You taught us, and increase our knowledge. Show us the righteous things as righteous and help us to do them, and show us the bad things as bad and help us to keep away from them.
O Allah our Lord, lead us out from the depths of darkness and illusion, unto the lights of erudition and knowledge, and from the muddy shallows of lusts unto the heavens of Your Vicinity.
Kawla tells the story of proposing to Aisha:
O dear brothers, Khawla bint Hakim suggested to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, to marry Aisha the daughter of Abu Bakr. If He did, this would strengthen the link between him and the dearest of all people to him: that is Abu Bakr, his best friend, may Allah be pleased with him. The truth is that marriage is about bringing together; marrying is one of the largest unions between families, because the relationship of descent and of marriage is one of the most sacred relations at all… “And how could you take it (back) while you have gone in unto each other, and they have taken from you a firm and strong covenant?” (21)
A strong covenant, it has been said: this contract is the marriage document, which is the most sacred contract of all. Now, let Khawla bint Hakeem, may Allah be pleased with her, talk about this marriage. She said: “I entered the house of Abu Bakr and found Om Roman, his wife and mother of Aisha and said to her “What a great goodness and blessings that Allah sent me to you. "What is that?” she asked. She said, “The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him sent me to propose to Aisha for him.“ I tell you frankly, if Allah chooses someone to intercede between the couple, the families will be filled with pleasure. It is the great joy of all joys that God Almighty provided, for your daughter, a young believer. If he loves he will give her the best of everything, but if he does not like her he will not be unjust. When Allah, gives you a husband for your daughter with good morals, with a known family, and with true religion, this is a major gift. So may Allah reward everyone who contribute to reconcile the couple, or contribute to the establishment of marriage, blessed and Islamic.
“Whoever makes a good intercession shall receive a share of it”
This family, which is based on understanding, love, having children, and raising children to be good in the community, all of this is a huge project, and there will be good deeds for the one who helped husband to marry the wife. A brother once told me: "We are now eighty-five people, the base is the husband and wife, of course; they had children, and their children got married, and gave birth to daughters, and their daughters got married, sons and daughters, daughters and sons, sons and daughters-in law, eighty-five people in all. If the family was righteous, the father refined, with high education, discipline and commitment, and with all of them being veiled women, isn’t all this good? Whomever had a good intercession for this marriage, here's blessings and peace upon him: " One of the best intercessions is the intercession between the two in marriage."
Don’t say what the devils say: "Walk in a funeral and do not walk for a marriage."It has been stated that whoever helps a man to marry a woman, he is a part of every word they utter, and every step they take in the night worship and the daytime fasts. Don`t hesitate to be interceding between the couple; do not hesitate to persuade the a man to marry a believing woman; do not hesitate to persuade a young woman to marry a pure man; do not say: It is none of my business, I had better not interfere. This is the devil’s talk.
"The Muslim who is in contact with others and bears patiently their annoyances is better than a Muslim who does not mix with people and bear their annoyances"
Life is a place of trial: Make favor with all people whether they deserve it or not. If they don’t deserve it, you deserve it. Om Roman asked: "Why is that? She said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, sent me to propose to Aisha for him. She said: I was hoping for this. This is a beautiful thing, for he is the best of mankind. If a physician came to propose to someone`s daughter, the father will repeat a million times: the man who married our daughter is a physician; the one who married my daughter is an engineer; the one who married my daughter has a laboratory. If the father and mother married their daughter to an important person then this is something worthy of attention, and people never stop talking about his certificates, and his knowledge, and his morals, and the anticipated future would belong to him. So, it was a great honor that the prophet, peace be up on him, had proposed to the family. Therefore, the scholars have said: the seeker of knowledge is sufficient for any girl. The seeker of knowledge knows what his rights and duties are.
Om Roman said: “I wish, but wait until Abu Bakr comes”. Note the politeness with the husband. Nowadays the wife is the one who refuses or agrees, saying "I will convince him”. When Abu Bakr came, Khawla said to him: “O Abu Bakr, can you imagine what Allah gives you of goodness and blessings? The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, sent me to engage Aisha. Can you imagine what he said? Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, asked, “Is this permissible”? He realized it was a great honor for young Aisha to become the prophet’s wife but he wondered if she was permissible for him, as she was the daughter of his brother. I (Khawla) returned to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and I told him what Abu Bakr said. He, peace be upon him, said:
"Return to him, and tell him ‘I am your brother and you are my brother in Islam and it is permissible for your daughter to marry me’" *
I, (Khawla) returned to Abu Bakr and stated to him what the prophet said. There was a problem, however, which teaches us more about the greatness of Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him. He said: “Wait until I return”. Om Roman, the mother of Aisha, described the problematic situation to Khawla: “Almutaam Bin Adai” proposed to engage Aisha to his son “Zubair”, and Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, never broke a promise”. Al-Mutaam, Bin Adai said he wished to marry his son, Zubair, to Aisha. Abu Bakr had not approved nor disapproved of the matter, but his silence implied consent. So, he was not able to make a decision in the matter, to fulfill the promise. Could Zubair bin Al-Mutaam bin Uday be compared with the Messenger of Allah? Loyalty and religion are what matter. I imagine that Abu Bakr, may Allah pleased with him, felt almost torn that he missed the opportunity of the marriage of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, or that he had never imagined this proposal from the Prophet, peace be upon him, to his daughter Aisha. Of course, for any father if a good young man visited him and announced his desire to marry his daughter, welcoming him warmly almost becomes a promise. So Abu Bakr could not say yes to the Prophet until he figured out an end to this problem. So, he went to Al-Mutaam of bin Adi. Abu Bakr came to the Mutaam and his wife, Zubair`s mother, a polytheist, said: "O Ibn Abi Quhafah, perhaps if we married our son to your daughter you might make him disbelieve in idols and involve him in your religion, that you believe in. We have a problem with you - we are afraid that if our son marries your daughter, you will turn him into a disbeliever in our gods and get him involved in your religion. This was the statement of the wife. Abu Bakr did not reply to her; instead, he turned to her husband Al-Muttaam and said, "what do you say about this? Do you agree with her? Are you really afraid that if your son marries my daughter he will enter Islam like me?” So he answered: "This is what she said, and I support her, and I accept what she has said”. Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, left and felt satisfaction because Allah helped him to commit to his promise. He returned to his home and said to Khawla: “Call for me the Messenger of Allah”. There seems to be a tradition in Arab life that a suitor has to come to the house of his fiancée. So, look at the moral position:
"There is no belief in one who cannot be trusted, and there is no religion in one who does not keep his promise.”
I read much about the honored female companions, but what attracted my attention the most was one who had five children, and the Prophet, peace be upon him, proposed to her. Would any woman who had the opportunity to be the mother of believers reject?! Is there any woman who could be the first lady in the community that would reject that?! She said: "O Messenger of Allah I have five children I am afraid that if I care for their benefit, I will deprive you of your full rights, and I fear that if I give you my care, that I will deprive them of their full rights. I do not want to be unfair" and she apologized. And so, the Prophet, peace be upon him, replied: "May Allah bless the best women who ride camels, Quraish`s best women, who are kind with a young child and who take care for an old man, with the same hands”.
What are these incredible positions? A woman, had the opportunity to be the first lady, to be the Mother of believers, to be the wife of the messenger of Allah, but she hesitated because she didn`t want to be unfair to her husband or children. She wanted to take care of her children, and missed the chance to be the mother of believers, and the paradise for such women. A woman was walking down the street when she saw a scholar and said to him: “Sir, what right does the Prophet, peace be upon him, have to tell us that we are lacking in mind and religion?” This smart scholar said to her: “Oh! By Allah, he has no right to say that; however, these words are not for you, they are for the female companions; you don`t have mind or religion. It was mentioned in the old books, that the prophet, peace be upon him, said:
"I am the first one who holds onto heaven. There is a woman who wants to get into heaven before me. I asked, “O Jibreel, who is this women?” He said, “This is a woman whose husband died and left her children and she refused to marry to take care of them."
This is amazing! She raced the Messenger of Allah to enter heaven. Therefore, when I see a mom taking good care of her children, their food, their health, their clothing, the cleanliness of their rooms, their needs, watching them, caring about their morality so they become first-class believing youth, then this women should be at the top ranks. Therefore, In Islam there is prayer, fasting, Hajj, charity, and many orders, but the pinnacle of Islam, the highest point in the summit of Islam is “Jihad”. The Prophet says, peace be upon him:
“Oh ye woman leave and tell the women after you that if any woman exerts her efforts, attends to her husband and pleases Him, it is considered jihad for the sake of God. "
By Allah, I do not think that one woman out of a thousand is aware of this hadith. The Prophet does not speak by his own inclination; it is only a revelation revealed to him. A woman persevered in praying in the night, prayed and read the Qur`an, asked forgiveness, and remembered Allah, and at six o`clock in the morning she became tired and she threw her head onto the pillow to sleep. Her children were going to wake up shortly after, and they needed to eat, and wear their clothes; but, she ignored them and told them, “eat and drink and go to your schools”. I'm sure on a real religious scale, that this woman did not worship Allah as she should because she neglected her children. If a woman woke up half an hour before sunrise and prayed Al-Fajr on time and took care of her children, prepared their food, supervised them as they get dressed, oversaw their activities, sent them to school, and then dropped her head on the pillow, Allah would consider this mother a thousand times better than the who worshiped and neglected. Every person worships Allah as Allah has ordained for him. It is very important to say: everyone should worship Allah as He decreed for him or her. He has established this woman as a wife: thus, the highest worship is to take care of her husband and children. If Allah All- mighty makes you rich, the highest worship for you is to spend this money in the right way. If Allah makes you strong, the most powerful worship for you is to treat the oppressed. If Allah make you a judge, you have to be just. If Allah make you a scholar, you have to receive knowledge generously without hesitation. Everyone should worship Allah in the right place where Allah wants him to be. decree
Let’s say, for example, that an administrative director stays up at night and worships and reads the Koran, and thus neglects his work. He should first have to stay up to solve the problems of the people, and do justice to them, and follow up their cases. There is a thief, and there are perverse people, and a gang of corruption; if he tracks his duties and performed as best as he could, then he is worshiping Allah. Therefore, you must worship Allah the way he decrees for you.
You must worship according to the situation that you are in. You have guests; the worship of Allah is to honor the guest, offer him a comfortable sleeping area, food and drink. If your father is sick, worship of Allah is to take care of him until he is cured. You have a son preparing for examinations: worship of Allah is to take care of him during the examination period. If your wife is sick, you must worship Allah in the circumstances that he put you in and you thereby, will have fulfilled your duties as you should.
Abu Bakr, may Allah pleased with him: I imagine this proposal from the prophet, peace be up on him, filled his heart with joy that no human being can describe. However, he was still tied by the promise. He told Khawla to wait for him. Almighty Allah created the atmosphere. Then Al-Mutaam`s wife, the polytheist, spoke and she said: “I am afraid that if my son marries your daughter convert him to your religion. Abu Bakr asked her husband, “what do you say, man?” He responded, “As she said”, and the issue ended. Abu Bakr returned home and asked Khawla: “Call for me the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. So, Khawla went to the Prophet to invite him. The prophet, peace be up on him, came to his friend's house, the house of Abu Bakr. Aisha was six or seven years, and of course, was not married but was engaged and her dowry was five hundred dirhams.
"The greatest blessing of a woman to her husband is the lowest need."
"The greatest blessing amongst women are those who have smiling faces and the least dowry."
The parentage of Ms. Aisha:
He said: Aisha`s people, who are the children of Tamem, are known for their generosity, courage, honesty, rectitude, and they were good with their women, and treated them well. There are honorable families who honor the wife, treat her as a daughter of the family, and there are despicable families that treat the son’s wife cruelly, with no limits, like a servant or farmhand. Therefore, the more educated a person becomes, the better he treats others. This is the truth; if you apply it to people you will never find any problem. Treat people as you would like them to treat you, deal with your son's wife as you would want your daughter treated within a family. This rule does not disappoint at all. I remember a part of a true story: There was a woman. Her son bought a convenient electric machine for his wife. He lived with his mother, and she was disapproving. She made it a big problem in his head: why this waste? This women did not deserve a washing machine. The same day her son-in-law bought a similar machine for his wife. She commended him: "May Allah be pleased with you, you helped my daughter." Do you see this contradiction? By Allah, dear brothers, if a person came out naked, and this is very ugly, it would be easier than contradiction between his words and behavior.
Once I was in a shop, I will never forget that situation. There was a young, eighth grade vendor in a fabric shop. The shop owner gave him; the first dress, and the second dress, and the third, and the fourth dress. The young man couldn`t take any more so he said to him: “I can`t”. The owner said, “You are young, do not say I can`t” and at the same time he gave one dress to his son and said to him: “Watch out for your back”. What do you think of this discrimination? He was afraid for his son’s back from only one dress, whereas the latter was made to hold many, as you know. You will never be a believer unless you treat others as if you are dealing with your own son, and you will not be a believer unless you treat the wife of your son as you treat your daughter. This is the faith, but that distinction is really not accepted. The world now is with the powerful, who are applying double standards. You find they have relaxed beyond indulgence, and have become cruel beyond cruelty.
A man was killed in a forest… it is an unforgivable crime
The killing of the safe people…it should be reconsidered
* * * *
The worst thing in any human is contradiction, and contradiction is not bearable, but it is the law of the jungle. The prophet`s friend Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, was of the degree following the prophet. The Master of Prophets is the highest thing: Messenger, Prophet, and then a friend, a guardian, a believer, a Muslim, then there is a red line followed by the end. These are ranks in Islam. They said: "Abu Bakr has a reputation for civility, and good treatment, and historians of Islam on the whole agree he was the most appropriate for the Quraish, and he had the most knowledge about Quraish, and he knew best about the of good and evil in Quraish. He was known as good moral merchant, and men came to him with their arguments asking him to judge between them in their own affairs because of his knowledge, experience, and his good companionship when you meet with him.
When Allah's blessings are upon you, you will find many people like you will be around you. The biggest punishment is to live among people without much understanding to you, as if you are in a valley and they are in another valley; you are at a level of thinking, and they are at another level.
Therefore, Ms.Safanah, Hatem Tayy`s daughter, Aday`s sister, when the Prophet, peace be up on him, said to her, she said to the prophet, "I would like to make supplication for you". So, he said, "Listen to and understand what she is going to say." Ms. Safanah said: "Allah hit the pools positions sometimes take care of much attention by man, shows him the nobility unreasonably, and sometimes made to a person who invaluable services Vijahlha..
I taught him shooting everyday
And when he became skilful he shot me
And how often did I teach him poetry
And when he was able to compose poetry he ridiculed me
* * * *
And when he became skilful he shot me
And how often did I teach him poetry
And when he was able to compose poetry he ridiculed me
* * * *
Dear brothers...We have studied the biography of a friend in this mosque. It is nice to imagine the greatness of this man in his modesty, his discipline, his longing for Allah, his piety. The Prophet says, peace be upon him: "I have never called anyone to Islam but had a setback, except my brother Abu Bakr."
"No money was ever as useful for me as the money of Abu Bakr. It was said that Abu Bakr wept. He said: “O Messenger of Allah are my funds and I only for you?"
Will a believer be anything but like this, “Nothing is for me”. So he gave him all his money. He said: The prophet peace be upon him asked, "O Abu Bakr, what did you keep for your family?” Abu Bakr replied, “Allah and His Messenger." If you want to be a first-class believer, make this companion an example for you, of the first-class. He would milk the sheep for his neighbors, and when he become the Caliph, his neighbors thought that he would not follow up on this service. But, there was a knock at the door. The woman asked her daughter to open. The mother asked, “Who is it?”. She responded, “the goat-milker came”, even after become the Caliph. Our master, the friend, was walking on his feet even though he was a caliph of the Muslims, and our lord “Usama bin Zaid”, aged seventeen years, was riding a camel. He said: "By Allah, O Messenger of Allah`s Caliph, you will ride on the camel or I will get down." He said: "By Allah, I will not ride and you will not get down and it is a lot to walk on my one hour in the way of Allah."
God willing, we will follow this biography of the venerable Ms. Aisha, one of the smartest women of the Prophet. She recounted over a thousand Hadiths of the Messenger of Allah. If she were a man, she would have been one of the leading scholars. A scholar, narrator of Hadith, and she was one of the dearest of wives to the Prophet, peace be upon him. And, this lady is also a secure example for every woman who aspires to be significant for Allah, Almighty. In another lesson, God willing, we will continue to talk about this lady, who is a role model for all women, and talk about the wives of the Prophet. It is a pleasurable discussion, because it deals with the perfection of women. A person is very happy when listening to these perfect situations, and feels sorrow and sadness when he sees a person decline, when he sees shabbiness, and cynicism, infidelity, violation of the husband, neglect of children, obscenity of the tongue, cruelty in speech, and adornments for others besides her spouse, and the neglect of the husband. This is the reality of women. The roads are nice, but the houses are hell. Either the houses, roads, everything, advances the common good or the roads are empty and there is nothing there, which corrupts morals of all where the houses were once gardens. Now houses have became infernos because these women highlight the charms of the assaults in the road, and did a disservice to the relationship between husband and wife.
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